Saturday, March 27, 2010


College is stupid. Goddamnit.
Yesterday I heard back from Smith College -- accepted. The funny thing about that was that I didn't actually intend to apply. I just accidentally clicked "submit all apps" on CommonApp. I never submitted my supplemental essay for Smith. I didn't apply for financial aid. So I had no intention of going to Smith, so it was fine. Nice to get in. Hoorah. Etc
Someone posted that they were accepted into Oberlin College on Facebook. So naturally, I run downsstairs to check the mail. Nothing yet. But I mention it to my mother who proceeds to inform me that she didn't fill out the financial aid forms for Oberlin. She didn't think I wanted to go there. And while I probably won't end up at Oberlin (I think it's too liberal for me) I didn't want to rule it out from my inital reaction from visitng campus a year ago. So even if I get financial aid. At all. Which means I can't go. So my mother has effectively said I'm allowed to pick between Wellesley (given that I get in) and St. Olaf or a state school. So basically many, many, MANY profanities aer running through my head.
She said she would handle financial aid stuff as long as I got my apps in on time.
Not the best way to start spring break. Especially when you're break involves driving 24 hours to Florida.
Fuck bitches.

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