Monday, March 15, 2010


I got my acceptance letter from St. Olaf College today. My mom thinks I'll end up there, but we'll see. I'm still waiting to hear back from Wellsley and Oberlin on April 1st and Wellesley's pretty high on my list. But so far, I'm five for five in regards to college.

This acceptance letter is special though. I've finally heard back from a school I'd actually really like to go to. I think Olaf would be a good match, but there are so many people I know going there next year. And I want to start over in college, re-invent myself. And while I know I could probably avoid the people from my'd still be difficult. I feel like pro/con lists are coming down the turnpike.

Today also was a triumph for Stats Slackerism. We split up the four assignments between four of us and then all copied each other's work after watching Chuck and eating delicious Italian food. NOM NOM NOM. Hooray for "helping" each other with homework. Working together actually was good though (and surprisingly productive)-- a friend helped me through some trickier problems. But overall, school is pointless. And boring.

And oh my god, people are already pairing off for prom. We have TWO MONTHS. Chill. OUT. Note, this is mostly stemming from my anxiety about maybe not having a prom date...I'd really like one...but things don't always work out in my favor.

I also need to really really really really get a job.

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