Wednesday, February 17, 2010


With every new project, be it blog or vlog or new journal or anything, comes the obligatory introduction entry -- but the Olympians are ICE SKATING.  So let's get down to defeat the HUNS.

I am a nerd. I like history, reading, music, and my knowledge of Pokemon is rather extensive. The important thing, though, is that I'm not particularly ashamed of being a nerd. Granted, I'm not that crazy girl who wears wigs to school, apologizes constantly, and says stupid things trying to suck up to the Greatest Teacher Ever only to get shut down. No, I am not the weird girl. But I'm also not entirely nerdtastic. I'm
Me, the nerd/band geek/wanna be hipster/dorkasaur who says ridiculous things and is constantly mocked.
Me, the Moleskine-toting, novel-writing, Latin-taker, dabbler in the arts of the interwebs.

While I'm not sure what EXACTLY will show up on this blog, I'm pretty sure we'll figure something out.
I has ideas like Peter the Great has beard taxes.
(Because, mon frére, history is still living)

To recap: Salvete, meum nomen est Clarissima.
Let's do this dance.

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